Gopal Gopal Gopal Gopal Gopal
Gopal Gopal Gopal Gopal Gopal

Winner, Best Student Paper

Effect of Stress on Human Teams, AHFE22 (Co-authored with Lokesh Bhilala)

Imperial College Governor’s Medal

Top Graduate in BEng Information Systems Engineering (2001)


Institution of Engineering and Technology (FIET)

Winner, AXA Research Award

For Achievements in Responsible Artificial Intelligence (2017)

Runner-Up, Best Paper Award

Humanitarian Technology Conference 2016 (Co-authored with Elliot Salisbury and Seb Stein)

Honourable Mention

IJCAI-JAIR Best Paper Award 2016

Winner, Best Paper (Applications Track)

AAMAS 2015

Winner, Best Student Paper

Energy Exchange in Rural Communities, AAMAS 2013 (Co-authored with Muddasser Alam)

PhD Studentship

3-Year Full Funding, University of Southampton

Mauritius National Science Side Scholarship

Placed 4th in the competition

Runner-Up, Best Paper Award

Agent-Based Optimization for Demand-Side Management, AAMAS 2011

Winner, Best Paper

Agent-Based Energy Storage, AAMAS 2010

Runner-Up, TREC 2012

Crowdsourcing Challenge (AUC Metric)

Winner, Infrastructure Competition

RoboCupRescue League, RoboCup 2007 (An international competition with over 1,000 participants worldwide)

Winner, International Prisoner’s Dilemma Competition

IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Games (2005)

Winner, International Prisoner’s Dilemma Competition

Congress on Evolutionary Computing (CEC 2004) (Designed the first strategy to beat Tit-for-Tat in 20 years since the Axelrod experiment)

Winner, AXA Research Award

For Achievements in Responsible Artificial Intelligence (2017)

Winner, Best Student Paper

Effect of Stress on Human Teams, AHFE22 (Co-authored with Lokesh Bhilala)

Runner-Up, Best Paper Award

Humanitarian Technology Conference 2016 (Co-authored with Elliot Salisbury and Seb Stein)

Honourable Mention

IJCAI-JAIR Best Paper Award 2016

Winner, Best Paper (Applications Track)

AAMAS 2015

Winner, Best Student Paper

Energy Exchange in Rural Communities, AAMAS 2013 (Co-authored with Muddasser Alam)

Runner-Up, Best Paper Award

Agent-Based Optimization for Demand-Side Management, AAMAS 2011

Winner, Best Paper

Agent-Based Energy Storage, AAMAS 2010

Winner, Infrastructure Competition

RoboCupRescue League, RoboCup 2007 (An international competition with over 1,000 participants worldwide)

Winner, International Prisoner’s Dilemma Competition

IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Games (2005)

Winner, International Prisoner’s Dilemma Competition

Congress on Evolutionary Computing (CEC 2004) (Designed the first strategy to beat Tit-for-Tat in 20 years since the Axelrod experiment)

Imperial College Governor’s Medal

Top Graduate in BEng Information Systems Engineering (2001)

Winner, Best Student Paper

Effect of Stress on Human Teams, AHFE22 (Co-authored with Lokesh Bhilala)


Institution of Engineering and Technology (FIET)

PhD Studentship

3-Year Full Funding, University of Southampton

Mauritius National Science Side Scholarship

Placed 4th in the competition

Runner-Up, TREC 2012

Crowdsourcing Challenge (AUC Metric)